Evai Newsletter October 2021

Listen. Can you hear that? With the right kind of ear, you just about hear the fiat world’s printing presses starting to roll yet again. The fiat idea that to offset the impending inflation about to overtake the general public’s earnings, the wise solution will be to provide the masses with an increased supply of money that loses its value the moment it is printed and distributed. Luckily the solution – crypto – is powering forward, and Dubai’s focus on crypto has been nothing less than a statement. While the advent of the BTC ETF helped propel the digital gold price to a new all-time high, Dubai’s six month long, international showcase summit, Expo 2020, kicked off alongside a full month of crypto-focused events bringing in the world’s biggest names. Dubai has become a hotbed of crypto investors, peers and crypto enthusiasts all starting to see Dubai’s intention to become the leading crypto destination for everyone in the business! As always, Evai’s been front and centre, meeting delegates and presenting our cutting-edge crypto ratings technology to the world!

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