The Bull Run – Interview with Professor Andros Gregoriou

In this edition of The Bull Run, Evai Editor in Chief Vernon Ward sits down with Professor Andros Gregoriou to discuss the development of the ratings platform, recent inflation announcements by the Fed and the upcoming AI-powered investment fund, EvaiActiveFund. VW Welcome to the first edition of a brand new podcast launching on the via YouTube channel and all the usual places where you download your podcasts. The first edition is an interview with our Chief Research Officer, Professor Andros Gregoriou, where we’ll be talking about the evolution of

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What are NFTs and why are they so valuable?

The relentless growth of NFTs shows no signs of slowing down in 2022. From original works of art to providing proof of ownership of almost any physical asset imaginable, non-fungible tokens are fast emerging from their niche in the crypto sector to find a visible and important position in the global market. The inability to recreate or divide these assets provide them with verifiable digital scarcity, making them the perfect medium to link to a particular asset as proof of ownership. Put simply, owning an ERC-721 standard token is akin

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How tokenisation will revolutionise culture as we know it

What if there was a way, outside of the traditional stock market, to become a shareholder in your favourite luxury brand or superstar? How would that work – how could that even work? European football clubs have become the first brands to realise the potential of tokenisation, giving fans the opportunity to purchase club-specific crypto tokens that rise in value, while also giving them voting rights and exclusive content, essentially making fans shareholders. So far over 24 European clubs across the five major leagues including PSG, FC Barcelona and Manchester City have

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